
Click on the links below to discover websites on Humanities topics:

Subscription Databases

Follow the links to access these valuable resources:

Encyclopaedia Britannica School: 3 levels (login details required)

PressReader: Thousands of newspapers and magazines in digital format. ‘Sign in’ > ‘Library or Group’ > ‘St George’s’ > school email address.

Gale Schools: St. George’s subscription to Gale General Onefile, Gale High School Edition, Gale News, and Gale Ebooks databases.

London Library: JSTOR + (login details required)

BCU Lausanne: Search university catalog (membership required; on-site access only)

Destiny Discover

Use this integrated search tool to find Humanities results from multiple sources simultaneously (our library catalog, websites, Encyclopaedia Britannica, and more):

Open Access Databases