Check out this week’s recommendations based on the theme “Language.”
Senior: Empires of the Word: A Language history of the world; Babel: The language magazine; They Say/I Say; Anyalysing Newspapers; Language in Thought and Action; Language, Society & Power
Middle: Japanese Myths, Legends & Folktales (Japanese/English); The Water Dragon (Chinese/English); La Frontera (Spanish/English); Fiery Dogs (Korean/English); Yeh-Hsien: A Chinese Cinderella (Hindi/English); Hansel and Gretel (German/English)
Junior: I See the Sun in Russia (Russian/English); The Pink Dolphin’s Son (Portuguese/English); Five Little Monkeys (Hindi/English); Fox Fables (Swahili/English); The Year of the Monkey (Chinese/English); Moon Rope (Spanish/English)
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